Why Coaching?


Coaching can help you deepen your learning, enrich your work relationships, improve your performance, and enhance your quality of life.

I practice the internationally-respected Integral Coaching® method, which enables me to get underneath a coaching “topic” (in other words, what you want to work on) to see how you have been approaching it up until now. Coaching is not about giving advice or action items – it’s about focusing on where you are now and what you are willing to do to get where you want to be.  It’s about appreciating how you see and relate to the world (as this drives what you do, what you say and the results you get), then helping you become aware of new ways of seeing and relating to your topic in order to bring about lasting change.

Coaching looks at your career, in context of your life and current patterns.

Coaching can:

  • Help you focus on where you are now and what you will need to do to get where you want to be
  • Teach you to appreciate how you see and relate to the world and become aware of new ways of seeing and relating in order to bring about deep and lasting change
  • Allow you to become more aware of how your current patterns have helped you be successful in your career (and life), and how they hold you back

Focusing on change in your career can also have ripple effects to other areas of your life. Some clients have experienced the following benefits from engaging in a coaching program.

  • Increased awareness of current patterns and how they hold them back in career and in life
  • New ability to talk about the value they can offer to another organization and articulate their transferrable skills
  • Increased confidence to lead a team
  • Decreased anxiety/stress
  • Clarity on how they can enter a career that gives them purpose and fulfillment
  • Increased ability to network with organizations and explore job possibilities
  • Development of healthy boundaries with team members and increased ability to be more “present”
  • Increased ability to support others in their development and empower them to create and implement their own solutions
  • Increased ability to have coaching conversations and challenging discussions

For more information about Integral Coaching® please click here .

Integral Coach ™ and Integral Coaching® are registered trade-marks in Canada owned by Integral Coaching Canada Inc. and licensed to Michelle Schafer.